Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Personally my oppinion on blog postings is that I do not like how this works.  I don't have a real reason for not liking this, I'm just not a fan of blogging.  I feel for some kids that blogging might be useful because it is kind of a fun way to communicate with your classmates.  Also when you post a blog everyone can see what you had to say.  With this you can get more responses and feedback from other people that are not in your class.  I can see how some people think that blogging is a waste of time.  But even though I do not like the blogging thing, there is a lot of good feedback that the students may get from outside sources. 

Technology is a very big thing these days in the classroom.  Technology can be used to support your curriculum as a teacher.  As a teacher you can better communicate with your students with blogging and email.   An example of helping a teacher, for a geography class the kids can use the internet to find games and maps to look at.  English teachers can post a blog for their students to look at and correct the grammer and punctuation.  Like I said before, I am not a big blogger fan but it can help the learning process for kids, and it is a fun way to do school work.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.


  1. Amen, fellow Daniel :) I am responding in length. The following paragraph may or may not contain anything of merit. Therefore my response will be like a big bag of M&Ms: a large quantity of a mediocre product. It's true. Just think about all the other chocolates out there that are superior to M&Ms. I would say Dove chocolate is quite a lot better than M&Ms. The best chocolate I've ever had was made by my grandma. It was quite good. In conclusion, I believe this was a good paragraph. Amen.

  2. I am not very familiar with using blogs either so this is all new to me. I do agree with you when you said that blogging can be useful for communication. This is a real good way to communicate to a group of people. I do think that it is a good way for teachers to talk to students when they need help with an assignment and for students to ask teachers questions outside of class.

  3. I agree with you it is a fun way for students to do their work and to learn while doing it as well. Teachers can post homework assignments like you said and the students can correct them with out even being in the classroom. Although I think they could also be able to cheat because one student could do all the work and then pass it on to his friend, but that just depends on the student. So yeah there is some flaws in this program but never the less it is a great way for communication among students and teachers.

  4. It is a fun way for students to do work, but when students have something fun to play with they always find a way to abuse it. At first I think they might be a good idea in the classroom but I feel like they would easily be taken advantage of.

  5. I too have never blogged, but with time I think it is something I could adjust to. I am apprehensive about some of the more difficult high-tech products and services available, but this seems fairly easy and perhaps students could benefit from blogs w/ proper rules and limits set by the teacher.

  6. I have never blogged before but I am starting to enjoy it. With technology advancing every day it is best that we get to know this because we will probably be seeing more of it in the future. One good thing about blogging is that it does cut down on time an you are able to read from other post and gain knowledge quickly. I agree with the last paragraph when you said students can learn from reading other students posts.
