Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanksgiving week

When teaching children you have to be able to adapt to the learning styles of your students.  As a teacher you are almost a designer.  You have to be able to put together lessons that are interesting and well explained so that your students will learn what you are teaching them.  Most of these tools in chapter 8 would not be of use for physical education.  However there are many that would work for your core subjects.

Digital Storytelling is a great software that can be very useful for english classes.  However, as a physical education teacher I would not be able to use this.  Digital Storytelling is a software that focuses more on the activity side of learning.  Students can use this software to make stories and then share them with the class.  This tool teaches the students how to use technology, it also includes the reading and writing aspect of english.  This tool is also a great way to get the students doing some peer review assignments.

Making math more real to students is very important.  Children have a hard time realizing how important math is for the real world.  Giving them activities of situations they will be in when they get older and gain more responsibility will help with this.  The use of a graphing calculator is a good tool for students to use when dealing with graphs.  It will help them get a visual representation of what a set of numbers means for certain situations.  I feel that these palm piolets are a great tool as well.  The students can take survey's and then make a graph representing the outcome.  These are just some of the tools that will help make math more real to students.

I feel in certain situations T.V. is a great source to learn from.  however, when watching T.V. you are doing just that, watching T.V.  I feel that it is very important for students to learn from doing things on their own.  Such as hands on activities, using different tools to learn.  I feel that technology should be incorporated as well as learning from lecture.  The television can give you great step by step instruction on how to complete a task, but being able to successfully complete the task is just as important as knowing how to do it.

Jonasse D., Howland J., Marra R. M., & Crismond D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall